8 Video Marketing Trends for 2022


It's time to get on board with video as the dominant form of internet content if you haven't already. The importance of video marketing trends is rising for all marketing tactics, as per a leading digital marketing company. In the year 2021, 86% of companies will use video as a marketing strategy. Furthermore, 93% of them believe it is essential to their overall approach. 

After viewing a product video, 84% of customers say they're more inclined to purchase it. Videos are also shared more than any other kind of internet material. According to Cisco, videos will make up 82% of all internet traffic by 2022. Are you prepared to improve your video strategy through a video marketing service? Take a look at these eight brand-new video marketing trends for 2022.

8 Trends Surrounding Video Marketing in 2022

Live Videos

Because of the epidemic, live video will become more important in 2020. When it became clear that businesses needed the means to stay connected to customers, it changed the way we see what type of material is "streamable." today. 

Everyone from product influencers to musicians conducting virtual concerts to Broadway firms streaming full-length plays is using live video to promote their goods. 

Live video should be the number one priority for content marketers when it comes to video marketing. Consumers' need for live video content isn't going away; it's just becoming stronger and a digital marketing company that provides video marketing service can help you just leverage that.

Smartphone Video Creation

Video marketing no longer requires high-end technology and a large production budget. In reality, even the most well-off companies are turning to cell phones to produce more relevant and genuine content. 

In their very successful #ShotOniPhone campaign, Apple gave the idea a platform. In order to be included in an Apple ad or billboard, they invited iPhone owners to submit their finest photos. 

It has been shown that smartphone video material may be as good as that seen in conventional media thanks to the campaign's 15 million entries over the years. A video marketing service deployed by a digital marketing company can help you in leveraging mobile video creation.

Search Optimized Videos

Videos geared for search aren't new, but SEO is. Compared to other conventional SEO methods, videos have a 53 times higher chance of generating first-page results, according to a study by Forrester According to Brightedge, Google now displays video snippets next to 26% of search results, increasing the likelihood that visitors would click on them. 

As a consequence, how can videos help you rank better in search engines? Make sure you pay attention to three things: relevancy, consistency, and optimization on the backend. If not, you can hire a digital marketing company that provides video marketing service to deploy SEO service for your videos.


When it comes to connecting with customers, building your brand's personality, and engaging your audiences, we know that storytelling is an excellent tool. Stories like these may be told much better-using Vlogs (or video blogs). 

They make the creator or brand the primary character, narrating subjects, events, and experiences from their point of view, and helping customers better grasp who they are in the process. 

You can discover vlogs on almost every subject, from parenting to sports to pet care to travel, thanks to individuals who have mastered the art of the vlog (you name it).

Social Media Stories

Social media stories, like vlogs, reveal a brand's personality and foster a closer relationship between the viewer and the company. However, the tales people share on social media platforms aren't always the same. 

To a large extent, they're designed to be more laid back. If vlogs are a trimmed-down version of your brand's grand story, social media tales are the daily outtakes that don't make the cut (but that everyone still wants to see). 

In addition, social media stories created by a digital marketing company provide a plethora of opportunities to engage with your audience. Use Instagram's questions feature to engage your followers in a Q&A session. Post surveys to get feedback on potential new goods and concepts.

AR/VR Videos

There have been a lot of AR and VR products on the market for a while, but now that technology is more widely available and customers want interactive content, it's finally making its way into mainstream video marketing Traditional video may not suffice in the future, therefore companies must be prepared to use it. 

Brands across sectors have utilized AR and VR to develop virtual experiences as a result of the epidemic, which has hastened AR and VR's growth. Healthcare practitioners utilized AR and VR for self-guided diagnoses, while educators used AR and VR-powered games and activities to keep students interested.

Silent Videos

Today's video marketing service creates videos that are meant to be viewed in silence. It's absurd, isn't it? Video, after all, is supposed to contain both visuals and audio. That's no longer the case. 

More than eighty-five percent of the videos that people view on Facebook are silent. About 80% of customers say that suddenly playing a loud sound in an advertisement makes them uncomfortable. On public transit, in schools, and even in meetings, people are using their cell phones to view movies.

User-generated Videos

The confidence consumers have in user-generated material is far greater than that shown by those who trust just brand-name products. In fact, 85% of respondents believe user-generated content (UGC) is more reliable, and 69% say they find it more genuine and enticing. 

Customers that are happy with your brand will be more likely to become brand champions. Video footage generated by customers may be reshared on your social networks to increase its exposure. 

It develops customer trust over time and has an impact on purchasing choices. And finding brand evangelists is simple if you know where to look! To encourage happy consumers to share tales and videos about their good experiences with your business, try offering incentives, collaborating with influencers, establishing referral programs, or just asking them.


Videos will continue to be an essential part of marketing strategies in 2022 and beyond, but videos alone won't be enough. For brands to be successful, they need a well-thought-out marketing plan that includes engaging content.


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